
Friday, 5 October 2012


Hello Everyone
'Spear the rod spoil the child ' was the way i was raised and i believe for most Africans. also the good book says train a child in a way to go and when he grows he shall not depart from it.these where the fundamentals we were taught and has sustain our society over the years but i personally frown at this principle when its wrongly applied in the life of child in the area of life path and career; where your folks would tell you to take this line or that line of career for the know what's best for you, whilst a child might otherwise find interest in some other field of endeavor and would be forced not to fulfill potential because they have been taught that this is the right path to good living. but some folks fail/refuse to notice potential in some other career paths because the are viewed not to be 'professional' enough, or because of the experience of economic challenges and the perceived notion that such career path can not put food on the table.
Oh well! gone are those days such trends where prominent in African homes at least that is what i thought until i heard a story recently of a young chaps dilemma beyond the impressive successes recorded by the youths in various endeavors outside the conventional Law, Medicine, Engineering just to mention a few. Please don't get me wrong theses are noble career, but all i am saying is that; alternative career paths were not given equal attention in the past.
This write up was sparked up by a story i heard of a anonymous young chap like i mentioned earlier, born in the United Kingdom and raised in Nigeria when he was old enough to enroll into the University his father wanted  him to go study Medicine in the UK,while the chap wanted to read Business Management on his arrival he decided to tow the path of his heart desire and when his father was aware of this development he decided not to pay or support this young chaps tuition fee and up keep leaving the young chap dependent on government benefits which is an entitlement for every UK citizen. Anyways,only time will tell what this young chap would eventually become in the future. it is vital folks guide kids on the right path of career but to be careful not to impose their own desires on kids rather they should be more sensitive to the interest their kids develop at a tender age  and encourage them on those activities,who knows they might just become the next ; Pablo Picasso, Quincy Jones, or Bob Marley.
The moral of the story is that personally i was never raised by my folks to try to be the first in some other field that seem more 'professional or lucrative' to them, rather i was taught and encouraged to be the best at what ever i can do as long as it was noble. look around you today several young men and women are doing great things and making honest and comfortable living in the entertainment industry and can afford to provide that 'security' every folks would desire for their kids. Let the children BE!
Yours truly, Cheers!!!

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